Developer Profile
Hi 👋 I'm
I'm a Full Stack Engineer who builds things in TypeScript Front-to-BackExperience
Full Stack EngineerRemote
2020-08 - 2023-03
React, React Native, Express+Apollo Fullstack typescript developer.
react.jstypescriptreact nativenodegraphql
Software EngineerRemote
2019-07 - 2020-08
Developing cross-platform code base for Android / IOS, and Web, using React, React Native, React Native Web, GraphQL, Apollo, Styled Components etc.
reactreact nativejavascriptnode
Full Stack EngineerRemote
2023-03 - current
Sticker Mule
I work on all things web development-related, front to back, mainly using typescript. The stack is Next.js on the front end and Express/Node.js on the back end.